Woodglen Institute of Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery
Woodglen Institute of Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery • 541 S. Pasadena Ave • Suite 201 • Glendora, California 91741
For tighter skin without surgery
The Thermage procedure reduces the signs of aging skin, giving you a more youthful appearance. Also called ThermaLift, ThermaCool, and Radiothermoplasty, the Thermage procedure is performed with a technology cleared by the FDA for the treatment of wrinkles around the eyes.
What is the Thermage Procedure?
The Thermage procedure is an advanced way of tightening skin that requires only the touch of a sophisticated treatment tip to your skin. It is performed with an advanced radiofrequency device called ThermaCool TCTM, and requires no incisions or recovery time.
How does it work?
The top layers of your skin are protected with a cooling spray while radiofrequency energy heats the collagen in the lower layers. This heating action causes deep structures of your skin to tighten immediately. Over time, new collagen grows to further tighten your skin and produce a more youthful appearance.
What does the Thermage procedure feel like?
With each touch of the Thermage treatment tip, you will experience a brief intense heating sensation as the collagen in deep layers of your skin is tightened. To protect your skin and make the treatment more comfortable, a cooling spray is delivered before, during, and after each application of the treatment tip.
Is it safe?
The Thermage procedure is very safe. Although it is possible that skin damage can occur, this advanced treatment has been studied carefully in hundreds of patients with minimal reports of lasting adverse events.
How long does it take?
The Thermage procedure can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the size of the area you are having treated. Additional time may be required for skin preparation prior to the procedure.
When will I see results?
Recently published studies conducted by Thermage show that measurable tightening improvements appear gradually over 2 to 6 months after a single treatment session. However, many patients report seeing an earlier response.
How many treatments will I need?
A single treatment has produced good results in a significant number of patients. However, your doctor will assess the number and frequency of treatments required to achieve optimal results for your skin.
How long will the effects of the Thermage procedure last?
The Thermage procedure causes an immediate tightening of the collagen structure with additional tightening over time. Unpublished reports by experienced physicians indicate that results may last 18 months or longer based on the patient's natural aging process.
How long before I can return to my normal activities?
Most people return to their regular activities immediately following the Thermage procedure. Some people experience mild redness (like a sunburn), but it usually disappears quickly. There is no special care needed after treatment, but sunscreen is recommended as a part of good skin care.
Our staff at Woodglen Institute of Aesthetics will be happy to schedule a free consultation for you to discuss what Thermage can do for you.
Visit Thermage.com for more information.
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