Westwood Dermatology
Westwood Dermatology
10884 Santa Monica Boulevard, 3rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 446-4400
Fax: (310) 446-4408


With liposuction surgery, both men and women can improve the contours of their bodies through a relatively simple and safe technique. Liposuction surgery involves the removal of fat cells from the body. It is designed for those who have specific areas of localized fat deposits and who have tried unsuccessfully to eliminate them through diet, exercise, and weight loss. Liposuction is not an effective treatment for obesity and is not an alternative to dieting. The procedure works best on those whose weight is stable and/or have localized areas of fat deposits. The cosmetic success of liposuction relies on removing inches rather than pounds. Little weight is actually removed and yet dramatic change in silhouette is possible. Most important is the patient's satisfaction and increased self acceptance.

While the procedure is not designed to correct general obesity, any area where excess fat deposits have accumulated can be treated. These include the chin, neck, jowls, cheeks, waistline, neckline, arms, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, knees, ankles, and abdomen. Men with enlarged breasts can also benefit from this technique.

Who is a potential candidate?
Most patients have localized fat deposits. Some of our happiest patients are within twenty to thirty pounds of their ideal weight and have been stable at that weight for years. Some patients have certain bulges irrespective of their weight and others are content with their weight but would be more comfortable if certain bulges were recontoured. The best candidates for liposuction are in good health and have realistic expectations of the benefits of liposuction.

How is fat removed from the bulge areas?
A cannula, a hollow tube with an opening near its blunt end, is inserted through small incisions beneath the skin and into the fatty tissue overlying the body's musculature. This cannula breaks up the fatty tissue creating a honeycombing of the fat. A vacuum pump connected to the other end of the cannula then evacuates the loosened fat cells underneath the skin surface through a series of openings at the tip end of the cannula. The smaller the cannula, the smaller the tunnels and the more even the reduction. The cannulas that doctors at LA Laser Center use are generally 1.3 to 3.0 mm in outside diameter. In contrast, other surgeons often use cannulas 6.0 mm or larger in size. After surgery, these tiny tunnels collapse resulting in an improved body contour.

Who performs Liposuction?
Liposuction is a newer surgical technique that has been embraced by dermatologic surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, and plastic surgeons. In fact, dermatologic surgeons as well plastic surgeons are taught liposuction during their residency training programs.

Can the procedure be performed in an office setting?
Liposuction is performed in our specially equipped in-office operatory. Today, the Tumescent Technique can be undertaken using local anesthetic. Multiple areas can be treated depending on the number and size of the areas. General anesthesia is administered, when necessary, by an anesthesiologist (not by a nurse anesthetist) in an ambulatory surgery center. Our doctors also have the privilege to perform liposuction surgery in a hospital surgical setting.

The Tumescent Technique is the most significant advancement
The Tumescent Technique is the most significant improvement in liposuction. It allows liposuction totally by local anesthesia and thus avoids general anesthesia. The technique is considered the safest form of liposuction as blood loss is greatly reduced, post operative recovery time is reduced, and the cosmetic results are optimized. The Tumescent Technique was developed and refined by a dermatologist.

What does Tumescent mean?
The word "tumescent" means swollen or firm. This technique is accomplished by injecting a large volume of a dilute solution of lidocaine, a local anesthetic and of epinephrine, a vasoconstrictive drug which shrinks capillaries. Patient's find local anesthesia so effective that they have reduced pain post operatively and in addition, no longer needing IV sedation or general anesthesia. Blood loss is greatly reduced. The epinephrine in the anesthetic solution causes diffuse capillary constriction that results in minimal blood loss during and after the surgery. Not only is recovery time reduced, i.e., your oxygen carrying capacity is preserved, but blood transfusions are virtually unnecessary. Quick return to normal activities. Home rest is necessary for the first twenty-four hours and then a light work schedule may be resumed. If sculpting is more extensive and performed in several areas, several days of recuperation may be necessary. Special elastic bandages must worn for one week after surgery. The rate of healing is accelerated as a result of the drainage of blood tinged anesthetic solution. This drainage minimizes bruising, reduces inflammation, and significantly accelerates healing. These dressings help promote healing by reducing swelling and bruising. Exercise appropriate for the individual is initiated after consulting with our doctors to help you develop a better platform upon which your skin will drape and will heighten the improvement of body contouring.

Why don't more surgeons use the Tumescent Technique?
One of the most significant factors in determining which technique a surgeon will use is time. From a surgeon's point of view, the surgery will take less time when a general anesthetic is used. Plastic and cosmetic surgeons commonly use general anesthesia. Our doctors perform liposuction using local anesthetic by utilizing the Tumescent Technique. In the past years, our doctors have performed hundreds of procedures under general anesthesia and hundreds more with IV sedation. Our doctors feel the Tumescent Technique is the best and safest way to undergo liposuction sculpturing.

How will the skin look after surgery?
Stretch marks, dimples, and ripples remain unchanged following surgery. The changes following liposuction are analogous to those one would expect if it were possible to lose an equal amount of fat in localized areas by dieting alone. Smaller cannulas allow the fibrous connections between the skin and body to remain. They contract or shorten during healing. For this reason, excessive skin folds are rare and in fact, many patients who would have previously required surgical excision of skin can have excellent results with liposuction alone.

Are there any scars as a result of the procedure?
Because the Tumescent Technique uses very small cannulas, incisions can often be concealed in natural body creases; such as the end of the buttock fold, the umbilicus, under the chin, or in the pubic hair. Sutures, when used, will dissolve by themselves or be removed in our office following surgery. Bruising is greatly reduced because the local anesthetic solution contains epinephrine which constricts blood vessels and reducing bleeding. The drainage of anesthetic solution following the Tumescent Technique further reduces bruising as it contains blood cells that would otherwise remain under the skin and appears as a bruise. By minimizing bruising and swelling, the tumescent liposuction accelerates the rate of healing.

Can fat re-accumulate in the contoured areas?
Fat cells are permanently removed and fat cells are thought to not multiply after puberty. As long as the patient does not gain excessive weight, the new silhouette is permanent. Patients, after liposuction, have sometimes found that areas treated by liposuction retain the new contour whereas areas not treated have been new sites for fat development. Fat removal however, does not allow for abuse of diet later. As one gains weight, the size of the individual fat cells will increase and too much weight gain may mask the benefit. The benefit will show when the extra weight is reduced. People with prior weight problems still have to watch their weight. General anesthesia and IV sedation have inherent risks, greater than those of local anesthetic alone. General anesthesia is administered by a trained and experienced anesthesiologist.

Before Surgery
Prior to surgery, a complete medical history is taken in order to evaluate the general health of the patient. The procedure is almost always performed under local anesthesia although when desired by the patient, IV sedation may be utilized.

Following Surgery
A compression garment is worn for about one week following the surgery. Pain is minimal to moderate and is controlled with oral medication. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infection. Most patients are completely ambulatory immediately following surgery but rest is recommended for the initial postoperative period. Patients are usually able to return to normal activities within a few days although vigorous physical activity is discouraged immediately following surgery.

What complications may occur?
Surgical complications of liposuction are quite rare. As with any surgical procedure, liposuction is associated with common side effects such as bruising, swelling, and numbness. Skin irregularities have been greatly reduced because our doctors use very small cannulas that affect a more even and less traumatic reduction. Rare but significant complications can occur with any surgery which include serious infection, necrotizing fascitis, pulmonary embolism (secondary to blood or fat embolism), fluid imbalance, excessive blood loss, anesthesia complications, perforated viscus, and death. This information is not intended to frighten you, but rather to enable you to make your decision whether or not liposuction surgery is for you. Following surgery, you should immediately report any signs of infection, bleeding around the incisions, or anything else that causes you concern. Our goal is to enable you to feel secure in your knowledge and understanding of the procedure so that you will be able to make an informed decision about the liposuction surgery.

Although cosmetic surgery may not achieve perfection, its ultimate goal is to achieve a natural improved appearance. And while liposuction does improve facial and body contours, it does not eliminate cellulite or other surface irregularities.

During your office consultation you will be provided with a detailed plan of the treatments that will benefit you most. Please contact us with any questions you may have or schedule an appointment online for a consultation. Click here to send this page to a friend.

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