Tuscany Spa Skin & Body Clinic
Tuscany Spa Skin & Body Clinic
2210 Florencita Avenue
Montrose, CA 91020
818.248.5500 (tel)
818.248.5551 (fax)
Clinical Vasculyse Treatments
Ruby Point / Skin Tag Removal (Each) $30
Facial Spider Vein Removal (Multiple) $100
Endovenous Laser is a minimally invasive, clinically proven alternative to surgical vein stripping that effectively and safely treats varicose veins by using a laser fiber to deliver energy inside the vein, directly into the vein wall. The precise laser energy achieves optimal therapeutic effect while limiting collateral damage.
With over 70,000 procedures performed worldwide, and over 60 clinical articles documenting its efficacy out to five years, EVLT is the proven alternative.
Dr. John Tan has personally performed more than a thousand cases of Endovenous Laser Treatment with 99% success and no major side effect or complications.
Benefits of EVLT include:
1. Treatment in less than an hour
2. Can be performed in the doctor’s office
3. Up to 98% success rate
4. Immediate relief of symptoms
5. Minimal post procedure pain
6. Immediate return to activity
7. NO general anesthesia or hospitalization
8. NO Scar (see our Case Study for results)
Here's what to expect on the day of procedure:
1. Ultrasound examination to map out your vein.
2. Local anesthetic is applied. Sedation can also be given if you are needle phobic
3. A thin laser fiber is inserted through a tiny entry point (usually near the knee).
4. Laser energy is delivered to seal the faulty vein.
5. You will be required to wear tight surgical stocking for 4-5 days
6. Your normal day activity is then resumed. In fact, walking immediately after the procedure is encouraged (just avoid rigorous activities).
Infrared Heat Sauna 30 minutes
(10 Minutes Complimentary with Massage)
Infrared or Radiant heat:
Works directly on the body penetrating deeply below the skin; Produces 2 to 3 times more sweat than other saunas. Contra-indicated for clients with High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease
