Tattoo MD
Tattoo MD

11053 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025.

Laser Tattoo Removal at Tattoo MD
These days, a tattoo does not have the same permanence that it used to have. Laser tattoo removal has made tattoos as permanent as you want them to be, in most cases. You may want to get a tattoo removed completely, or you may simply want it lightened or modified in order to get a different tattoo in the same area. Reasons for wanting to get a tattoo removed are as varied as our clients. Some may want to remove a symbol of the past and others may simply be unhappy with their artwork. Some of our best clients are actually tattoo artists. They appreciate the good demolition work that we provide them to “open up new space on the canvas,” so to speak.
No matter what reason you may have for wanting to get laser treatment for your tattoo, Tattoo MD is here for you!
There are many common misconceptions about tattoo removal. People think it is very expensive, it is extremely painful, it leaves scars, etc. Our goal at Tattoo MD is to de-bunk all of those myths and provide you with a place to remove your unwanted tattoos quickly and easily. You may have heard of other places that also do tattoo removal. There are doctor’s offices that are part of a larger, complex practice that involve other dermatology treatments and/or plastic surgery. In these types of settings, laser tattoo removal is usually very expensive and may not be the highest priority of the practice. There are also other places where laser treatment is not properly medically supervised. At Tattoo MD, medically supervised laser tattoo removal is our specialty; and our mission is to make it both affordable and convenient for everyone. We would love for you to visit us, and we are sure that you will be satisfied with your results!
At Tattoo MD, we use q-switched lasers for tattoo removal. These lasers work by heating up the tattoo so quickly that it fractures - similar to an ice cube cracking when put in warm water. The tattoo removal proceeds as the ink gets broken up with each laser treatment and carried away by the body’s immune system. The q-switched lasers that we use include the Medlite C6 Nd:YAG, which is great for black, red, brown, and dark blue, and the Asclepion Rubystar which is a ruby laser which is best for sky blue and green. Using a combination of the two lasers provides the best available treatment for any color tattoo.

Why wait any longer? Call today to make an appointment!
Also, check out our tattoo removal blog for lots more info and the story of Dr. Kaplan’s own tattoo removal!
Tattoo Removal Pricing Info.
1 Treatment (Per Sq. In, $98 minimum): $49
1 Treatment Above 5 Square Inches, 6th Inch & Up, (Per Sq. In.): $24.50
6 or More Treatments Package Discount. (0% Financing Available) 20%

Tattoo Removal F.A.Q.’s
How much will laser tattoo removal cost?

Laser tattoo removal at Tattoo MD is $24.50-$49 per square inch, for a single treatment with a $98 minimum. Initial consultations are free. When you come for your consultation, we will measure your tattoo and let you know how much each treatment will cost. Tattoo MD has done extensive research on what other places charge for the same procedure and feel that we offer very affordable pricing. Ask about our current price specials!

How many treatments will it take to remove my tattoo?

Unfortunately, due to the nature of this procedure, it is impossible to predict exactly how many treatments it will take for complete results. It could take as little as 3 treatments for an amateur tattoo or as many as 15 treatments for a professionally applied tattoo. How quickly your ink fades will depend on several factors, such as the colors of your tattoo, the type of ink used and how your body responds to the treatment.

How far apart are the treatments?

Your body needs time to break down the tattoo ink pigments after each laser treatment. This is a slow process, therefore you will typically schedule each treatment a minimum of 6 weeks apart.

What will my skin look like after each treatment?

Your skin will most likely be red and feel like it has mild sunburn. This typically goes away after a couple of hours. There may also be some bruising. At times and with certain inks, there may be mild blistering that usually heals in about a week. After each treatment you will be given detailed instructions on how to care for your treated area.

Will the laser tattoo removal hurt?

Patients have reported that laser tattoo removal feels like a rubber band snapping quickly on your skin. In order to make each patient as comfortable as possible, we offer anesthetic (numbing) cream that can be put on the tattoo before each of your treatments. Tattoo MD also utilizes The Synercool, a device that blows very cold air directly on to the treatment area. The combination of numbing cream and The Synercool makes treatment very tolerable for most.

Does tattoo removal leave scars?

The type of laser used at Tattoo MD leaves virtually no scars, however, in rare cases, those with scarring disorders, such as keloids, have an increased risk of forming a scar.

Who will do my laser tattoo removal?

The laser tattoo removal will be performed by Jeannine, our physician assistant who is trained to do this type of procedure. Dr. Alex Kaplan, the president of Tattoo MD, supervises the treatments.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Click here to watch a Youtube video that our patient Liv made about her tattoo removal..

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