Social Plastic Surgery Center
1108 South Garfield Avenue Suite A
Alhambra, California 91801
Phone Number: 626-457-1118
Liposuction (or lipoplasty) is a body-sculpting procedure to remove fat that is unresponsive to dieting and exercising. This procedure can be applied to nearly any area of the body and is commonly used on multiple areas during an operation. Liposuction results in a slimmer and better proportioned figure. It is used effectively to reduce love handles, saddlebags, a double-chin, a bulge around the waistline, or other unsightly fatty deposits in order to develop a better shape and create a more beautiful body.
Reasons for Considering Liposuction:
Eliminate fat from any of the following areas:
Chin and Neckline
Upper Arms
Stomach and Waistline
Hips and Buttocks
Thighs and Knees
Calves and Ankles
Create a more proportioned figure
Liposuction is not a replacement for proper exercise and diet. Instead, it is a reduction procedure for stubborn areas where fat accumulates. Used in combination with several areas of the body, liposuction can provide a well-proportioned body appearance. Ideal surgical candidates are those already in good physical condition but have stubborn areas that do not respond to diet and exercise.
General Procedure: Liposuction can be done under general anesthesia with the patient asleep or under local anesthesia where the area is numbed and the patient remains awake. Through a tiny incision, a narrow tube or “cannula†is inserted and used to vacuum out the fatty tissue beneath the skin. The surgeon determines the amount of fat to be removed by massaging the skin and squeezing the tissue. After eliminating the excess fat, the incisions are closed by applying a compression dressing or bandage to the area in order to prevent bleeding, reduce swelling, and support the affected area.
There are several different types of liposuction procedures, such as tumescent or ultrasound liposuction, that have developed as a result of recent advancements in new technologies. Together the patient and the surgeon can discuss which method(s) are best during the initial consultation visit. Liposuction procedures can last from thirty minutes to several hours depending upon the amount of fat to be removed. Liposuction surgery is an excellent procedure that can benefit those who want to remove unattractive fatty deposits.
Recovery Process: New techniques allow for faster recovery from liposuction procedures. The length of the recovery will depend on how extensive of an operation the patient undergoes. Generally, post-operative instructions call for plenty of rest and limited movement in order to speed up the healing process and reduce the recovery time. A support garment may need to be worn for several weeks after the surgery, depending upon which area(s) are selected to utilize the liposuction procedure. Patients sometimes report minor pain associated with surgery which can be treated effectively with oral medication. While complications are rare, patients can minimize the risk for potential problems by carefully following the directions given after surgery.
Back to work: 1 to 2 weeks. More strenuous activity: 2 to 4 weeks. Full recovery from swelling and bruising: 1 to 6 months or more. Use of tumescent technique or UAL may decrease post-operative bruising and swelling.
More info on Liposuction.
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Although there are other tattoo removal options, laser tattoo removal is the safest, quickest, and most likely procedure to leave your skin intact following treatment.
Laser removal works by obliterating the ink in the tattoo using a single wavelength of light to a broad spectrum of light. Certain colors of light are absorbed by specific corresponding colors of the tattoo ink. The light energy vaporizes or fragments the ink particles. Your body then absorbs these ink fragments naturally and the color fades over the next couple of weeks.
Length: Varies from different sizes and colors of the tattoo. A quarter-size tattoo takes about 3 to 5 minutes.
Anesthesia: Topical anesthesia
Side Efffects: Temporary
Recover: No downtime
Duration of Results: Permanent
More info on Tattoo Removal.
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Dieting and exercising are not always enough to take care of waistline problems. In such cases, a patient may wish to consider a tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty). A tummy tuck involves the surgical removal of excess skin or fatty deposits from the abdomen, along with the repositioning of abdomen muscles into a tighter formation. This procedure is designed for those who wish to have a flatter and tighter stomach. It is also helpful in remedying the vertical separation of abdomen muscles known as diastasis, which can occur following pregnancy or wait gain followed by weight loss.
More info on Tummy Tucks.
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You no longer have to shave or tweeze pluck, wax or suffer from ingrown hair thanks to an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy approach “PhotoEpilation†in eliminating unwanted hair. Men, women and children may be treated with IPL. Treatments can be customized according to your hair color, texture and body location. To find out if you are a candidate, ask to schedule a consultation.
How does PhotoEpilation work?
Without damaging the surrounding skin, controlled flashes of light penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the hair follicles. The heat damages and destroys the potential for regrowth.
More info on Hair Removal.
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