Smooth Skin Laser Clinic
Smooth Skin Laser Clinic
127 south Brand BLVD Suite 230
Glendale, CA, 91204
Phone:(888) 484 - 2346
Smooth Skin Laser Clinic Specializing in Advance Cosmetic Laser Procedures with Superior technology from SYNERON powered by ELOS.
ELOS Technology in Advance Laser Medicine is the first and only technology that effectively removes hair of all colors even Gray, White, Blond & Red hair on all colors of skin, including tanned skin-with exceptional result beyond your expectation.
We offer a variety of laser treatments with guaranty result and best price in the market.
Our state of the art lasers provide permanent removal and long lasting result for hair removal and other laser treatments.
Smooth Skin Laser Clinic
. Presenting the most superior and advance technology
. Experience, Excellence & Results
. FDA Approved Lasers
Smooth Skin Laser Clinic Specializing in Advance Cosmetic Laser Procedures with Superior technology from SYNERON powered by ELOS.
Best Result, price & best customer service is what we promise, guaranteed.
At Smooth Skin Laser Clinic we offer Laser Anti Aging with best price, quality & best customer service in the market Guaranteed.
Prices For Laser Anti Aging:
Laser Anti Aging Full Face .......$75.00
Laser Anti Aging Both Hands ...$75.00
Laser Anti Aging Partial Body $75.00
( for faster result we will give you each time free treatment with Diamond Micro-Dermabrasion & Pure Oxygen therapy a value of $95.00 Free )
Cosmetic lasers are proven to effectively treat wrinkles, photo aging and skin discolorations caused by sun exposure and time. In addition to minimizing these imperfections, laser skin treatment also stimulates collagen production, making skin appear more youthful. So even if the years have taken their toll, you can now easily turn the clock back.
What causes premature aging?
The main cause of premature aging of the skin is excess solar exposure to rays UVA and UVB. These rays result is excessive oxidation of the collagen and elastin fibers, which results in a process called “crosslinking.â€
Normally, collagen and elastin fibers are found in nice thick even rows spread parallel to the skin surface in the basal layer of the skin. With cross linking, the fibers become disorganized and entangled into many disorganized bundles which cause the skin to dimple, sag and become susceptible to the force of gravity. Muscles of expression further result in deep lines caused by repeated use.
Laser Treatment does not have to hurt
The ZIMMER CRYO MEDIZINE cooling system is the finest available Medicine system device for laser Procedures. We cool the skin with -22° F cooled air before, during, and after the procedure, reducing pain while decreasing thermal temperature. Combined with topical numbing you may feel minimal or no pain at all. We are masters at pain reduction.
Skin Cooling with -22 Fahrenheit Air / -30° C Air
Newest generation skin cooling system with -22 Fahrenheit Air / -30° C Air cooled air frees the skin less than 5 second, intended to minimize pain and thermal injury during laser and dermatological treatments.
The system enables cyrotherapy with precise placement and constant dosage anytime needed. The elevated power output results in a quick decrease of the superficial skin temperature and thus providing the desired treatment effects.
Working without consumables provides all day operation capacity.
Zimmer Medicine cooling system freeze and numb the big large area of skin less than 5 second without using any anesthesia that means treatments without pain at all or less pain.
Copyright 2008. SMOOTH SKIN LASER CLINIC INC. All rights reserved.
