Renaissance Laser & Vein Institute
Renaissance Laser & Vein Institute
16255 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 910
Encino, CA 91436
Ph. 818-990-7400

Laser Hair Removal
Unwanted hair growth can be a constant frustration for both men and women. Shaving, plucking, using Nair®, and waxing can all cause irritation, and none of them give long term results. For some people, the hair can begin growing back the very day it is removed. Until recently, the only option people had for hair removal was electrolysis, which can be prohibitively expensive and incredibly painful.

With the advent of new laser technology, however, all of that has changed. Unwanted hair can be removed safely, quickly, and affordable, with little or no pain whatsoever.

How does laser hair removal work?

Hair growth is defined by three distinct cycles. Anagen, the first, is the cycle of growth, during which the follicle is active. Catagen is the intermediate cycle, in which growth ceases and the follicle regresses. The third cycle, Telogen, is the dormant cycle, in which hair will shed and fall out. Laser hair removal targets hair in the first cycle, anagen. During treatment, the laser light is absorbed by the hair follicle and converted into heat, damaging the follicle and preventing further growth.

Hair cells, even those in close proximity to each other, may not be in the same cycle concurrently. It is for this reason that several treatments are often needed for laser hair removal to completely remove all hair from an area; even though one single treatment may "zap" thousands of hairs, hair follicles that are in the catagen or telogen cycles will not be affected.

During the procedure, the laser will be held over the treatment area, and will pulse for a fraction of a second. Multiple pulses will be administered during each treatment; the number will depend on the area being treated. A small area such as the upper lip or underarm may take a few minutes, while a large area such as the back or legs may take up to an hour or more.

Most patients respond well to laser hair removal, with few or no side effects whatsoever. However, some patients report minor irritation and redness, though in most cases this disappears within a few hours.

Copyright © 2008 Renaissance Laser and Vein Institute
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