Laser Eye Associates
Laser Eye Associates
A Professional Corporation
240 S. La Cienega Blvd., Suite 200
Beverly Hills, CA. 90211
Phone Number
(888) 227- 4393
(310) 289-5992
Refractive Surgery Procedures Include The Following:
Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
Laser in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK)
"All-Laser" LASIK Surgery
PHOTOREFRACTIVE KERATECTOMY (PRK) Alcon Surgical LADARVision Laser system or the VISX Laser system. Involves sculpting the surface of the cornea to a new curvature with a special cold laser (excimer) by vaporizing the surface layer through a series of precise laser pulses under computer control. PRK in the United States has been approved by the FDA since 1996 for the correction of low to moderate myopia (up to -7 diopters). PRK for the correction of far-sightedness is currently under investigation in the United States, Laser Eye Associates has participated in this preliminary study.
LASER IN-SITU KERATOMILEUSIS (LASIK) Alcon Surgical LADARVision Laser system or the VISX Laser system. Involves cutting a large superficial flap (using a microkeratome) from the cornea (diameter of 8.5 to 9 mm for a thickness of 130 to 180 µm); the cut starts from the temporal side and stops nasally before a complete circle has been cut (producing a nasal hinge of 1 to 1.5 mm). The flap is raised, and an ablation is performed in situ with the excimer laser centered on the prepupillary area. The flap is then replaced without sutures. The entire procedure is performed under topical anesthesia as an outpatient procedure.
LASIK Advantages:
•Minimal post-operative discomfort
•Rapid visual recovery-usually next day
•Superior results in moderate & high myopia, astigmatism, and hyperopia
•Reduced risk of corneal haze in higher corrections
•Re-operations (enhancements) easier
New Improved LASIK Technique
Down-Up LASIK with Superior Hinge
LASEK is an advanced form of PRK. The surface layer of the cornea, the epithilium, is loosened. Instead of removing it as in PRK, it is detached and rolled back as a sheet. The laser treatment is then applied and the epithelial flap is rolled back into position. If this flap is too difficult to keep intact or too fragmented, it can be removed and the procedure then becomes a standard PRK..
The advantages over LASIK include the elimination of potential flap complications such as incomplete flaps or flap striae and the ability to treat higher amounts of nearsightedness in patients whose corneas are too thin for LASIK. The advantage over PRK is usually less postoperative pain and possibly a decreased risk of corneal haze.
"All-Laser" LASIK Surgery Intralase Pulsionâ„¢ FS Laser system. The Intralase system creates a corneal flap of a precise thickness and diameter with a lower suction level than a standard microkeratome without using a blade. this makes creating a flap safer than standard microkeratomes using higher suction and blades.
LADARVision Intralase VISX
