East Valley Eye Center
East Valley Eye Center

2601 West Alameda, Suite 204
Burbank, CA. 91505
Phone: 818-846-9999
E-mail: eveyec@aol.com

We appreciate your interest in the East Valley Eye Center.

We will do all we can to see that you receive the most advanced and effective methods of treatment available in eye care today.

We believe in providing complete eye care, ranging from eyeglasses and contact lenses to laser vision correction and plastic surgery.

This information has been prepared to acquaint you with our doctors, some of the services we can provide for you, and to inform you about how our office works.

We look forward to serving you.


When it comes to improving your vision, you have several options that range from reshaping the cornea through laser surgery to eyeglasses or contact lenses. If you desire to see the world around you more naturally without dependence on lenses, laser vision correction is an alternative that has proven successful for millions of people.

The excimer laser is a computer-driven ultraviolet beam of light that reshapes the surface of the cornea to improve the way light is focused (refracted) by the eye, thereby reducing or eliminating a variety or refractive errors. One of the most exciting procedures we perform is called LASIK. A thin layer of the cornea is folded back and then replaced after the laser treatment is completed. Healing is rapid with minimal discomfort. We were one of the first centers in the country to begin offering laser vision correction after it was approved by the FDA in 1995. The excimer laser is now routinely used around the world to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

We are now using two of the most advanced laser systems in our laser center. The VISX Star S2 produces a smooth reshaping of the cornea through the usage of a broad spot beam. LADARVision (by Autonomous) combines the use of a small spot beam with an active eye tracking system to produce a smooth, centered treatment. Our staff will be glad to discuss whether laser vision correction is advisable for you and, if so, which laser would be best for you.
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