Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Center
Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Center
How does LipoLaser work?
The LipoLaser works by focusing the cold red laser which permeates to the fat cells and triggers the cell membrane to break and release the fat from the cells. The liquefied fat is drained through the lymphatic system. The LipoLaser is safe, painless and completely noninvasive.
Where does the fat go?
LipoLaser treatments result in the liquefaction of fats, the liquefied fat is then drained through lymph drainage. The effectiveness of fat drainage during and after treatment is dependent on proper functioning of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing wastes from the body.
What happens after each treatment?
One can resume normal activities immediately as the LipoLaser is completely noninvasive with no down-time whatsoever. After the LipoLaser treatment it is encouraged that you do some sort of cardio type activity to move things along. i.e.: use a whole body vibration machine, jumping on a mini trampoline, Stairmaster, treadmill or a brisk walk.
What results can one expect from the LipoLaser treatment?
Male and female clients have found that those hard to reduce trouble spots, such as love handles, tummy bulge, and saddlebags can be treated quite significantly within just a few treatments.
How many treatments are needed?
The standard treatment protocol is 2 weekly, 30 minute treatments for 4 – 6 weeks. Maintenance treatments can be performed monthly after the full treatments have been completed or as determined by the client’s needs and clinical technician expertise.
Who is the ideal candidate for LipoLaser Treatment?
There is not really an “ideal†candidate. The LipoLaser has been shown to be effective on many different body types. The most immediately noticeable results are often shown on individuals who exercise (or have exercised) regularly, not obese or just have localized fat deposits that they cannot get rid of with diet or exercise.
How is the LipoLaser different from other contour treatments?
There are other devices on the market that use ultrasound or radio frequency treatments, or the invasive type liposuction treatments. The LipoLaser is completely non-invasive and the cold red laser cannot be felt or heard making the treatment extremely relaxing, quick and effective. The LipoLaser also uses two probes that assist with lymphatic drainage to assist the body in flushing the fat and waste. Low level laser is often used for cell regeneration and pain relief so there are other benefits to this type of treatment that other devices do not deliver.
Is treatment with the LipoLaser safe?
The LipoLaser is very safe. In fact, the initial purpose of low level laser technology (such as Meridian’s Lapex-2000) was for pain relief and cell regeneration for healing. A clinical trial demonstrated that modifying the frequencies and output was effective for fat reduction and after continued studies it was discovered that low level laser therapy was a safe and effective indication for body contouring and spot fat reduction.
Who should get LipoLaser for body contouring and the spot fat reduction?
Anyone who wants to improve any problem areas: thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen or upper arms is an ideal candidate. It is most efficient to combine the LipoLaser with a healthy diet and exercise program.
Are there any contraindications or individuals who should not use the LipoLaser?The LipoLaser should be avoided for those individuals with impaired kidney or liver function, autoimmune disorders, active cancer, or those who are pregnant or nursing.
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