Celibre Medical
Celibre Medical

23211 Hawthorne Blvd. 2nd Floor
Torrance, CA 90505
Phone: 1-888-723-5427
Fax: (310) 373-5012

Celibré uses only the finest, state-of-the-art laser skin care equipment. Our priority is your complete satisfaction, so we have chosen only the safest, most effective lasers for the conditions we treat. Celibré differs from other medical facilities and medispas that use a “one size fits all” approach to laser skincare.

Instead of using the same piece of equipment to treat every skin condition, we use a multitude of state-of-the-art lasers – each one specifically designed to treat one particular condition. Because we focus on using the most appropriate technology for each condition, we are able to customize a treatment program for your specific situation and deliver outstanding results!

- Tattoos treatment

Laser tattoo removal is not a simple process. Tattoo ink is designed to last a lifetime, so breaking that ink down with a laser, even a high powered one, takes time. The challenge in laser tattoo removal is to use enough energy to break down the tattoo ink without using too much energy to damage surrounding tissue. This is the central reason why it is not an overnight process to remove a tattoo.

Laser tattoo removal typically takes between 5 and 15 treatments and the number of treatments depends on how deep the ink has been placed, what the colors are, whether the tattoo is professional or amateur and what the skin type of the person is.

Tattoo removal does involve some discomfort. We offer numbing agents to make the process more comfortable, but it is important to know that the laser tattoo removal treatment program will be involve some pain. Celibré's professional and courteous staff will do everything possible to make sure that your laser tattoo removal experience is a positive one by using only high powered, state-of-the-art, FDA-approved, q-switched laser technology. Our tattoo removal lasers permanently remove unwanted tattoo pigment by breaking it down using the thermal energy of the laser, which then allows the body's lymphatic system to carry the ink away. Tattoo removal treatments normally last between fifteen minutes and one hour.

Contact Celibre Medical and join thousands of Los Angeles and Orange County tattoo removal patients that are now tattoo free! Call for a free consutlation today and stop worrying about what to wear to cover your tattoo.
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