Amae Laser Skin Solutions
Rosemead Clinic
3859 Rosemead Blvd
Rosmead, CA 91770
Ph: 626-572-4000
Fax: 626-572-4000
Laser Liposuction (Cool Lipo)
CoolTouch CoolLipoâ„¢ laser lipolysis is the newest in liposuction that includes not only fat removal but skin tightening as well in the same session. Traditional liposuction is great for removing fat from unwanted areas but frequently patients are left with loose skin after conventional liposuction. Cool Lipo is a gentle and minimally invasive treatment that removes fat and stimulates collagen tightening the skin. The unique 1320 nm laser system is specially designed for fat removal in small areas such as the neck, chin, and other areas not easily treatable by conventional liposuction. It is this 1320 nm wavelength that causes the collagen to contract and tighten the skin.
• Tightening as well as Fat Removal
• No general anesthesia required (general anesthesia is commonly a major cause of complications in surgery)
• Minimal scarring: Because the fat is melted before it is extracted, only a 3mm incision is required making any scar in the incision site almost non-existent
• No downtime: Because no general anesthesia is required, and the procedure is very gently, patients can return to regular work the next day, however 24 hour rest is recommended.
• Decrease risk for infection and bleeding: Because the incision site is small, infection is less likely. Because a laser gently melts the fat instead of brute force breaking apart the fat, less bleeding and bruising is involved
• Minimal Discomfort: Most patients do not require any pain medication for the procedure. Pain medication and anxiety medication is available if needed.
Procedure time: Varies depending on the area and size (3-6 hrs)
Cool Lipo (1320) vs Smart Lipo (1064)
The chromophores that are peak absorbers for (Smart Lipo)1064 nm are melanin and hemoglobin. CoolLipo’s wavelength of 1320 nm targets water, its major chromophore. CoolLipo directly heats the water in the dermal collagen to cause shrinkage and ultimately stimulate cellular re-growth, promoting reduction of lines and wrinkles and providing skin tightening. The 1064 nm wavelength first heats secondary structures, then by conduction, heats the primary target, the dermal collagen. In essence, 1320 nm is the appropriate wavelength to use, as it directly hits the primary target, collagen, not by secondary heat transference that occurs with 1064 nm. Also, the 1320’s depth of penetration is 1mm versus the 1064 nm, which is 10x that, or about 1 centimeter. Lastly, 1064 nm can potentially damage structures much deeper than the target dermal layer, making 1320 nm much safer to use.
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