Alluria Skin Care
2550 Foothill Blvd, Suite F
La Crescenta, CA 91214
P: 818-248-1818
F: 818-248-7818
What does this do?
Mesotherapy has proven to be effective for many conditions since its development in France in 1952. It has become an accepted aesthetic procedure for such treatments as cellulite elimination, body sculpting (spot weight reduction), the mini face-lift and alopecia. It is rapidly becoming recognized in America as one of the most exciting and unique treatment protocols to reduce stubborn fat and cellulite with minimal effort and risk.
Mesotherapy is designed to help the body eliminate those pockets of fat and/or cellulite that seem to be impossible to affect via normal exercise and diet routines. It is a non-surgical way to get rid of those stubborn bulges that may be anywhere on the body including the neck, arms, waist, back, thighs, lower legs. Mesotherapy is an effective answer to permanent reduction of cellulite. With a series of 5-10 treatments you can experience a loss of 2 to 6 inches from thighs, waist and hips.
Mesotherapy is also highly effective for body sculpting. You can lose several inches from love handles, fat pads on back and hips and other problem areas.
How does it work?
Mesotherapy involves the application of a few medications just under the skin aimed at breaking down the chemical bonds that bind the fat tissue in place. In addition to breaking down the chemical bonds, we increase your metabolism to facilitate the body's removal of the dissolved fat and cellulite. Thus the treatment greatly facilitates the process of eliminating fat and cellulite, particularly when combined with a good diet and exercise program. See the before and after pictures below; and these results were achieved with just 2 treatments without any extra diet or exercise regime.
Session Information
Sessions are approximately 45 - 60 minutes
Approximately 5-10 sessions are recommended
Sessions should be spaced 1-2 weeks apart
Please eat something (protein) at least 1 hour before treatment.
Down Time
There will may be a slight reddening and swelling of the skin around the injection sites following the treatment. There is also the potential for a slight degree of bruising due to the injections. But, these issues tend to resolve very quickly and most patients do not experience any downtime from the meso treatment whatsoever.
Before and After Pictures
Click on a picture for larger image; hit the back key to return.
©2008 Alluria Skin Care, Inc - Your Skincare Concierge - Delivering Value in Health Care
