Alhambra Medical & Cosmetic Center
Alhambra Medical & Cosmetic Center

55 S. Raymond Ave, Ste 302
Alhambra, CA 91801, USA
Tel: 626-289-9149
Fax: 626-289-9615

Office Hours: Tuesday - Saturday
10:00am - 6:30pm

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Fraxel re:store treatment is ideal for rejuvenating your skin and correcting acne scars and other imperfections, with minimum downtime. It is FDA approved for treatment of wrinkles around the eyes, acne scars and surgical scars, age spots/sunspots, melasma (irregular patches of brown skin on the forehead, cheeks, upper lip and nose), actinic keratoses (precancerous lesions), and skin resurfacing. Fraxel treatments will result in smoother, fresher, and younger-looking skin.

How does Fraxel re:store treatment work?
Fraxel laser treatment targets aging and sun-damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into the skin to expedite the body’s collagen remodeling. Since the laser treats only a fraction of tissue at a time, leaving surrounding tissue intact, very rapid healing can occur.

How are Fraxel re:store treatments performed?
First, your skin will be cleansed. Then a topical anesthetic ointment will be applied to the treatment area for about 1 hour. The Fraxel procedure takes 20 to 25 minutes for a full face.

How many treatments will I need and how will they be spaced?
Typically 3 to 5 sessions spaced about 2 to 4 weeks apart is recommended. Results are immediate and continue to improve over 2 to 3 months. This regimen allows for complete healing and the production of new collagen and elastin to replace damaged tissue.

Does Fraxel re:store treatment hurt?
Most patients describe an increased sensation of heat during treatment. To minimize discomfort, topical anesthesia is applied before and cold air is used during the procedure.

What should I expect after Fraxel re:store treatment?
During the first 24 hours after treatment, your skin may feel like it is sunburned, and appear pink or red. Make-up can be used to reduce the sunburned appearance. Your skin will naturally bronze over the next week or two. Use a moisturizer to reduce the appearance of dry flakes.

What side effects can I expect after treatment and how long will they last?
Mild swelling and redness are the most common side effects. They typically fade within a few days. Other temporary side effects may include minor itching, dry skin, peeling or flaking, and a bronzed skin appearance. There is a very limited risk of infection or scarring.

What precautions should I take after treatment?
Wear sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher, avoid direct sun exposure for at least 3 months after your last treatment, and wear a wid

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